The mission for LPS health India is multifactorial. First it is to create a network of highly qualified physicians who are trustworthy and knowledgeable and also who reside within our region in India. Currently there is no physician within our community who resides in our region. This creates a big problem in trying to find a network that is reliable when somebody is sick. India has multiple challenges in healthcare which include a certain amount of corruption and lack of transparency when it comes to healthcare information. The only way to get around this problem is to have very trustworthy physicians that are connected to our community in India. Every year, 6-7000 LPS visitors go to India during October through February. Majority of these people are over the age of 50 and are at high risk for sudden heart attacks or other deadly illnesses. During this time, options are limited if there is not a strong network of physicians for us to rely on.
Over the last 10 years, the LPS community has done a wonderful job in donating millions of dollars to build state of the art healthcare facilities. However, the problem still involves not having state-of-the-art physicians residing in Navsari and Bardoli who are taking care of our patients. Currently there is only one hospital that has a in-house cardiologist who lives in Navsari at the Nirali hospital who is able do a cardiac angiogram and stent placement within minutes of a patient entering the hospital. All other hospitals have to rely on a doctor coming from Surat who is on-call and which can take several hours. Every hospital in the area will tell you that they have cardiologist, however nobody will tell you that none of them live in our area.